ooc news

May 2024

It's May, which means it's birthday month! This year, WE is 17 years old. May is always a busy month on site as we try to host multiple events. We will be having an IC event, some OOC games, as well as some fun nights hosted on our discord!

ic news

April 2024

The third Act of the war will be bringing absolute anarchy to the realms, with a great deal of bloodshed, and both lands and equines being affected. We are leading up to a really interesting conclusion of the site-wide plot!

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Equus - Afterlife RPG

Welcome to Wild Equines! We are a semi-realistic horse roleplay with a classic alliance system. We welcome all levels of roleplayers here and while we do have a 200 word minimum, we have a mentor board to help you reach this limit. We have been around since May of 2007 and are currently on our third version. To get started, please read our Guidebook, located in the navigation bar at the top of your screen.

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All Things Characters
Land of the Free
Light Lands
Neutral Lands
Dark Lands
The Highlands
The Outlands
The Afterlife
241 posts
25 threads
Canon Activity Thread by not AVA!
Jul 26, 2024 21:56:52 GMT -7
All kinds of important rules and information about Wild Equines is located here, including announcements, guides, and the historical archive.
322 posts
160 threads
Something In The Water [jcink] Real Life San Diego by • illɘgal ◦
Jul 26, 2024 11:58:14 GMT -7
If you wish to advertise, then this is the place to go. You may also affiliate with us here. You will need to provide us with a banner and code for your site so we may put it up. Make sure you post in the right subboard or your post will be deleted.
5,862 posts
2,337 threads
Items for Tzekel'kain by Roseaic
Jul 26, 2024 15:05:13 GMT -7
Here is the store where you can spend your WE points. There are many different prizes, each with a different cost. Make sure you use the form provided.
94 posts
17 threads
Cimla by fleabittengray
Dec 22, 2023 5:57:19 GMT -7
All of our games and point earning events are kept here. Some are monthly games, others might be post at your own rate or special events. So, come on in and play some games to earn WE points for your spending pleasure in the WE Store!
127,798 posts
18,899 threads
Any old or dead threads that have been without a reply for more than two months will be moved here.
147 posts
16 threads
hello! by fleabittengray
Feb 20, 2024 5:10:41 GMT -7
You can discuss anything here.
397 posts
66 threads
Come Feed The Beast (Belial plots) by fleabittengray
Jul 24, 2024 12:34:24 GMT -7
In this board you may post roleplay searches for your characters and herds as well as create mini-plots with other roleplayers and recruit people for your plots. You may also adopt characters and request disasters and rewards.
82 posts
30 threads
Super Busy Next 6 Weeks by fleabittengray
Jul 3, 2024 7:03:38 GMT -7
Post here if you are going to be gone for any certain amount of time. Activity checks will be held at random, so post here so you do not get deleted. Also post here if you are quitting.
1,307 posts
51 threads
Here you can request artwork for your characters and test out graphics and tables.
10,166 posts
3,071 threads
Demiurge [DONE] by Roseaic
Jul 25, 2024 11:17:25 GMT -7
Here is where you will create your characters. Please make sure to read the rules before you make your character!
4,056 posts
549 threads
You can post your character logs here after you have made a character to keep track of them. One thread per person, please.
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All of the herds of Wild Equines are listed here. Each herd has their leads, betas and members organized for easy accessibility. If there are any changes to your herd please update it here.
5,835 posts
743 threads
fear [WAR STEAL] by Roman
Jul 9, 2024 19:50:35 GMT -7
These are the stealing grounds. Stallions and mares may come here to make a riddle in an attempt to steal another horse. Make sure to use the form provided.
649 posts
150 threads
Decisions, Decisions (open) by not AVA!
Jul 26, 2024 21:55:02 GMT -7
Inside are the landscapes where equines come to mingle outside of herd boundaries. Inside are several different lands where the different alliances can make themselves known. Careful where you tread, not everybody likes everybody here.
307 posts
117 threads
WE's Whimsical Gala: A Magical Birthday Celebration by Pippin
Jun 1, 2024 14:46:21 GMT -7
Interlude is an IC board where you roleplay with yourself. What happens to your characters when they aren't interacting with others? What happens if they disappeared for a while - where did they go? Do you want to roleplay two of your own characters together? This board is for that purpose. These threads are a chance for you to develop and have a written account of what your characters are doing when they aren't in threads with others.
8,360 posts
1,595 threads
Caraxes by fleabittengray
Jun 30, 2024 4:17:01 GMT -7
Here is where equines who have decided to mate come to post their stats for a foal.
1,397 posts
175 threads
Round 6 - Vojorn vs Aftershock by aliyaah
May 9, 2022 23:38:02 GMT -7
Here, the land of the Battlefield is nothing but desert-like sand. The land is charred and cracked from the lack of moisture, though when it does rain, it pours horribly here. The land extends to Tulor Woods to the north, the Free Lands to the east, the beginning of the herd lands to the west, and to the south you will smack into a cliff, one where bones of those who died here lay scattered and sun dried. Here equines come to battle for land, horses, or whatever their reasons. Make sure you follow the rules and the form!
74 posts
16 threads
Light Kingdom Mainland Activity by fleabittengray
Jul 26, 2024 7:35:02 GMT -7

Just take a step into this wonderful land and you'll feel like you're in heaven. The clear blue waters stretch out as far as you can see, lapping gently at the cream-colored sand. Where the sand ends, a rainforest begins. A slight mist is always falling from the sky, and heavy rainshowers happen at least once a day. You may seek shelter from the rain on the beach, or inside one of the many caves, whose ground is covered with grass. The smell of rain is always present here. Be careful, you might not want to leave.

Light King: Hunroor
Light Queen: Nixi

28 posts
8 threads
i have to go north [open] by fleabittengray
Jul 24, 2024 13:39:47 GMT -7

Hazardous rocky mountains barred off the west and east sides of the land, stopping anyone and everyone entering the land on those sides otherwise it would mean death for them. The shore is located on the southern end of the land, cutting off all the other lands from that side, allowing none to enter. In the northern part of the land lays a thick forest, enclosing the only entrance to the land, many equines will spend a long time weaving through the thick foliage, giving the owner of the land time to become aware of the creature's presence before it reaches the herd. In the middle of the land lays a large pond where the herds fresh water supply is located, small and medium caves protruded from the mountainsides at the bottom, providing good shelter for the herd. Despite all that, however, the land is well known for its beautiful sunsets that light up the sandy beach and the shores, different hues dance across the sky and the waters surface, making them beautiful, mystifying and romantic.

Baroness: Adora

22 posts
5 threads
Home Coming ~ OPEN/HERD by P r o m i s e
Apr 28, 2024 7:53:55 GMT -7

Green is the most abundant colour in Jade Mire, the entrance to this domain is through a thickly woven forest. There are few areas where trees are sparse, and these areas give over to expanses of wetlands. Rivers carve the land into pieces, and though there are forest dotting areas of the basin, a majority of the land is marsh-like. The plots of land at the edges of intersecting rivers tend to be damp, but the ground is firm enough for one to stand on. Temperatures in Jade Mire are humid, and pleasant even in winter. Snow and ice tend to cling to the edges of the wetlands, and deep in the bellies of the forests. Summers bring an abundance of humidity and insects with them. The plots of forest become a reprieve for the inhabitants, as they are much cooler and less humid than the rest of the marshland. The types of trees in the forests are deciduous conifers and retain their leaves year round. Within them are small formations of rocks that look as though the mountains had forgotten to take them along. Some tower over the tops of trees, and they offer little shelter to the small creatures that live within the Jade Mire. There is a flourishing ecosystem of complex life in the Jade Mire, and that life does not just include equines. Venomous and poisonous creatures also thrive here, and inhabitants and travelers alike must be careful when traversing through this marshland.

Lady: Nitocris
Lord: Topthorn

37 posts
9 threads
Unwilling Guest (Gray) by The Quiet One
Jul 26, 2024 11:26:38 GMT -7

A land tormented by storms and darkness. The trails that weave through the trees, creating a vast and dangerous maze, are frequently covered in mud. This mud can get deep enough, and treacherous enough, to kill the largest of equines. It is dangerous to drink from any of the puddles that form here, for the water is tainted by the corpses of those that have fallen victim to the mud. The only safe source of water is a cold spring that is located in the large cave in the center of the territory. This is the only place that is safe from the storms, for it sits on top of a hill, and there are two smaller caves beside it. This is where the herd takes shelter when the storms come. But storms and tainted water are not the only things that you have to worry about here. Bears and wolves stalk the forest and if you're not careful, you could become their next meal.

King: Sanctio Est Liberi Dies

10 posts
4 threads
A visit (Techno) by Roman
Jul 9, 2024 22:21:33 GMT -7

Gentle, rolling hills make up the majority of this territory and they are dotted with towering deciduous trees that turn beautiful colors during the autumn months. The hills gradually become larger, making for sometimes difficult terrain. The hills and the trees provide decent shelter from the weather and certain vantage points in the land make it easy to spot visitors and intruders alike. The summers are generally warm and comfortable here while winters bring healthy amounts of snowfall. There is plenty of wildlife to share the land with, which opens up the possibility of predators. In the distance, mountains can be seen of the neighboring territories, with the borders stopping just a few feet past the base of the mountains. This is where the main water supply is - a mountain stream that runs along the edge of the territory. There are a few clearings in the land that make for ideal gathering places as well as densely packed trees that provide safe places to sleep.

Lead: Gidge
Beta: Vesuvius

60 posts
12 threads
my redemption [open] by aliyaah
Jul 26, 2024 12:18:51 GMT -7

When one travels deep within the woods that made up the former royal land of Tremala Woods, the forest begins to thicken. It holds a much more somber feel than Tremala Woods, however, it also holds a serene sense of mystery and magic. It feels as though something fantastical might make its home in these enchanted woods. it is immensely difficult to find the location of where the royal herd resides - of the three large streams that branched off in Tremala, only one serves as a path to guide one to the inner heart of Meraki. This unsuspecting, bubbling brook ends in a large pond, surrounded by massive and marvelous aged trees. It is likely that unless you know your way, you are going to be encountered by the royal guard well before you find your way to the Meraki Woods.

Neutral King: Avinash
Neutral Queen: Boudicca

20 posts
5 threads
;;Distant Horizons [Gray] by fleabittengray
Jul 21, 2024 14:26:01 GMT -7

Somewhere far beyond the depths of the forest, the land is cracked wide open with no feesable way down or across. The canyon stretches quite a length, but a mangable one. The towering, chalky walls have no footholds near the top and set a jagged view of the sky from the canyon floor. Some time of travel would lead to the end of the canyon, where a vast and seemingly endless lake lies sleepily. From there, the only way into the canyon can be spotted. From the shoreline of the lake, a narrow, winding path beings. It follows the lake until a canyon wall rises up to meet it, then it's a tight squeeze between sheer rock and the water before the path finally opens into a small meadow. With the looming, gray walls and the typical fog rolling in off the lake, the sight of lush green is a bit of a shock. With protection from the canyon, this place has seemed to flourish. The bottom of the sheer cliffs offer a few footholds and ledges that wind up to outlooks and peculiar places. Many birds make their homes here and most ledges have nests dotting them. Vines crawl up from the canyon floor and lace the cliffside, growing denser the further back into the canyon. At the very back edge of the canyon, a waterfall pours out from an underground tunnel and into a pool below. From there, a small river flows directly into the lake. Dense, green foliage and flowers can be found beside the water. Even some trees grow thickly near the back wall of the canyon and offer some shelter. However, it's difficult for them to grow tall as the tall canyon walls cause a much later sunrise and a much earlier sunset, often casting the land into darkness far before the moon has a chance to rise. Because of this, a lot of the flora that can be found is often those that require little sunlight and many nocturnal birds can be found nesting in the ledges.

Queen: Chime
Co-Lead: Nikko's Melody

35 posts
6 threads
- - these cuts, never healing {Cirilla} by Zohyd//
May 13, 2024 21:18:27 GMT -7

The high rocky walls of the ravine spear off one of the cliff walls that make up Shadow Canyon, the lands neighbouring herd land, slowly sloping down to only a couple of meters high on either side of the narrow pass. Many tall trees line the sides of the ravine as a river flows down along one side. As you get deeper into the lands, the ravine opens up into a valley that was hidden by its walls, consisting of a forest where the ravine's river leads up to a medium-sized waterfall, with a cave mouth hidden behind the curtain of water. The cave itself is tall enough to shelter even the tallest equine and deep enough to provide shelter for a large herd comfortably, with many little caves throughout. In the far end of the valley, hidden away in a well-hidden nook, rests an abandoned castle, overgrown by vines that helps to hide it unless you're up close. Other than having plenty of shelters, the running water is fresh, clean and safe to drink, and there is plenty of fresh green grass to go around. If that isn't enough then the scenery and nightlife itself is something to marvel at, with many flowers dotting the landscape such as rare Black Roses, and beautiful displays of dancing fireflies to dazzle all at nighttime.

Lady: Cirilla

49 posts
8 threads
clear the way, take us home [indi/open] by Indi
Jul 23, 2024 18:38:12 GMT -7

Dark Woods is just that, a dark wood. In these woods all manners of terrifying creatures can be found, and one would not want to be caught here alone, lest you never return. In the midst of these woods, there is a small clearing, an ideal gathering, sheltered on either side by dense forestry. Through this forestry runs a deep, wide river. In some parts, the river runs fast, and is a torrent, in other places it is nearly stagnant and disgusting. Every night, and most of the morning, a thick fog descends upon this forbidding place, causing the dim moonlight to be all but blocked. With its many twisting paths and dead ends, it is fairly easy to get lost here.

The Sovereign: Vojorn
The Regent: Jazmin
Heirs to the Throne: Vrakali, Osias, Avitas

12 posts
5 threads
Amaranthine Wars Act 3 - Orestes and Charm by fleabittengray
Jul 10, 2024 22:24:39 GMT -7

A broad span of crystal blue water occupies most of the land of Eacarrah, the lake is surrounded by an amphitheater of mountains, the hollowness of the land magnifying all sounds, from the howling of the nearby wolves to the bumbling of the local bees. The surface of the water is tranquil, barely a ripple breaks the surface until somebody enters, the shoreline is flanked by an avenue of cedar trees, providing home to the influx of birds that occupy the land. Beyond the trees is a small section of forest that leads up to the icy topped mountains which hosts a variety of predators that seem to stick to themselves if undisturbed, a small break in the alps is the only entrance and exit you will find to the mainland. At night, the sky is illuminated with streaks of every color imaginable, that always appear to be dancing. Water is plentiful here, but food is scarce for those who are unaware of where to find it, but be careful as not every tree in this forest is edible, and will poison you upon ingestion.

Lord: Gavin

216 posts
26 threads
brave new world--* [rhi] by A z z y
Jul 26, 2024 7:34:47 GMT -7

Far from the lands of Lachlan Breck, in an area constantly shrouded in misty clouds, lies the skeletal visages of an old settlement. In the center of a great plain, ensnared by an even greater forest, a battered and crumbling castle shadows an old wooden village, the walls and support pillars largely rotted away by weather and nature both. Trees and vines have reclaimed what was once theirs, roots and greenery pervading the space humans once lorded over as kings and queens. Despite the long years, the castle remains standing, if dilapidated, and provides decent shelter in the winter months from the severe weather that batters the peak it sits upon. The castle sits on a mountain overlooking the village, grass, trees and bushes dotting the land below. A stone staircase is the only way to get up to it, and provides a view of the lake nearby. Flooding is a big concern in the spring as the snow at the peaks melts, swelling the banks of the lake to dangerous levels. Getting to the land itself is treacherous enough - once the shadows of the deep forest have been conquered and the raging river crossed, the slopes leading up to the plateau that the lake and castle are situated on being slippery at the best of times. But if you make it, you’re greeted by a lush forest and pockets of clear grazing meadows.

Dark King: Selven
Dark Queen: Thomasin

60 posts
13 threads
Amaranthine Wars Act 3 - Xovad and Riddler by • illɘgal ◦
Jul 26, 2024 13:27:33 GMT -7

This is a place of violation and horror. Located within a vast clearing surrounded by a thick, unsettling forest is a large, factory-like building long forgotten by humans, believed to have been some sort of slaughterhouse long ago. Within it are various cells used to slaves, along with bigger rooms where customers can use their toys in private, if they so wish. There are various chains where slaves can be chained up and put on display, as well as a large indoor "pen" where foals under the age of one are kept. Out in the back behind the building are cryptic gravestones left by the humans, the letters and numbers unable to be deciphered. Around the building, the sweet grass is not so sweet. It is stained with blood and dying. However, out towards the western end of the land, there is a massive lake full of fresh water. Around here, the grass grows long and fresh. At the northern end of the land is a massive ditch where the bodies of the dead are thrown and left to rot and decay. There are five entrance/exit ways into The Whore House and they are all heavily guarded at all hours of the day and night. You could always brave your way through the thick, dark forest but that makes a lot of noise and your chances of not getting lost in the darkness are slim. At night and during the early parts of the day, the land is covered in a thick mist that muffles the screams for a few short hours. Guests are only welcome if they bring gifts. If not, they may just find themselves locked away in a cell, never to be seen or heard from again.

Ruler: Carnallust The Charmer

24 posts
5 threads
Amaranthine Wars Act 3 - Fennore and Zeitgeist by ☽ caely ☾
Jul 16, 2024 22:31:23 GMT -7

To enter Ittudale, one must first conquer the entry of ice-capped mountains, no matter the season, the peak of these mountains is always covered in ice. It’s a treacherous path that leads down to the rest of the land, many have been known to fall victim to these ridges. Nearing the bottom of the vale you will find the quarters of the Leads and their inner circle, the passage here is found along a jagged rim situated high up enough that from the entrance to their caverns, the key aspects of the valley can be monitored. Alongside each mountain, you will find a stream, all feeding into one spring set at the bottom of the valley. The valley itself is home to a variety of predators – there are very few sanctuaries safe to the herd and only the true locals will know where they can roam freely. It is always in a state of night, the shades of the mountains barely allowing any light to surpass their reach, to find light you will need to find the royal chambers, where the sun reaches. The valley is abundant in foliage, so much so that it creates an eternal maze, one only to be navigated by Ittudale’s members. Beware of this abyss, for once you are lost, you become prey for the roaming hunters.

Grand Duchess: Rianne

6 posts
4 threads
crave chaotic [zo/open] by fleabittengray
Jun 6, 2024 20:12:34 GMT -7

Trembling Shadows houses a vast expanse of fields filled with vegetation. The fields take up a majority of the land, with rolling scenic hills that dot the landscape. A meandering stream cuts through the length of the land, and is wide in most places, but some parts of the stream thin out. The stream carves any hills it runs alongside due to the erosion, exposing large dangerous boulders that hang from the hillsides. At times they tumble into the stream, creating a fall hazard for any who wander by at the wrong time. Along much of the fields are fallen and rotted logs, remnants of what was once an abundant jungle climate. This leaves Trembling Shadows a bit more humid but does not prevent snowfall. In a small valley within Trembling Shadows, parts of the jungle carves itself out from the sides of the river. The vibrant flora thrives effortlessly in this particular location in Trembling Shadows. There are vibrant pinks, purples, and reds among other colours in the flora not typically found outside of a jungle climate. Within this small copse of exotic flora is a small place where the stream pools itself. This creates a small, hidden oasis known only to those who live in Trembling Shadows.

Leads: Azriel

2 posts
1 thread
beginning of an end (kladdan) by • illɘgal ◦
Jun 24, 2024 19:03:41 GMT -7

There is one path in or out of Grim Isle, it is a land bridge that connects the isle to the rest of the Dark Kingdom. Upon the isle there are acres of dense woodland and natural springs. At the opposite end of the bridge lies a collection of abandoned structures known as the Damballa House. It is a large Victorian Manor house made of sandstone and washed in muted shades of yellow, contrasted by the ominous shades of green and black of the surrounding forest. Inhabitants of Grim Isle may only access the House via long and winding paths through the hills and the dense forest that sprawls across the isle. The house is surrounded by imposing rusted iron gates. From Damballa House one can hear the wailing of the winds on the inlet sea. Grim Isle is almost always shrouded in fog in the early morning and late at night. What little light does filter through the dense woodland of the isle dissipates the lingering mists.
Lead: Kladdan
Lead: Galdr
Beta: TBD

105 posts
16 threads
Don't let hope become a memory (Miracle/Versai) by not AVA!
Jul 15, 2024 22:20:51 GMT -7

High upon the rocks that reflect a silver light, the Versai keep watch of those who enter the Highlands. There they will present themselves to any visitors, who may request something from the Versai. Should their request be declined, they will be sent on their way, but if the Versai who stands upon the rock accepts, then more information should be taken, and the equines will meet at the bottom of the large plateau.

14 posts
5 threads
wolf with bared teeth [sunfrost] by • illɘgal ◦
Jul 17, 2024 11:53:28 GMT -7

Nestled upon the slopes of a mountain within the Highlands, Amaravati is home to more lush vegetation than one would expect for its higher elevation. It is a tiring land to travel to – any visitor must ascend and descend many slopes, save for herd members who know the paths – but Amaravati rewards all those who make the journey with its many meadows rich with greenery and shade. Water flows freely down the slopes, carving the land even as the land grows around and shapes the water. There are trees dotted around the land’s borders, providing shade to the horses standing watch there, but Amaravati’s center is dominated by meadows filled with what is considered by the land’s residents as the purest grasses in the realm. Nothing quite seems to match the pure, soulful beauty of Amaravati’s meadows. It would be easy to conceal oneself here were it not for the winds. There is almost always a steady breeze blowing through the land, ensuring that all within can detect the scent of strangers within minutes. The herd tends to gather in the center of the land, marked by a pool of water fed from the slopes. There are no trees in the center; it is open to the Light of both the sun and the moon. All of Amaravati is treasured by its inhabitants, who often spend their time exploring and learning more about the land they have come to love.

High Priestess: Luna (Saniyya)

51 posts
13 threads
Amaranthine Wars Act 3 - Rasa and Solstheim by Indi
Jul 25, 2024 17:11:54 GMT -7

A land of beauty and wonder, Lyrarcor is also one of secrets and deception. Though this be one of the most holy of lands, seeing as it is a home of a Versai Sister, there is also a lingering darkness that hovers between the peace and serenity of this land. The borders are protected by a thick line of trees, evergreens, and though the majority of them remain the normal scented emerald all year round, there are a few scattered amongst them that are charred and skeletal, with not a single spot of green on them. Most animals tend to avoid these few trees, though none can give a proper reasoning for it, even to themselves. Leading away from the trees are multiply paths, maze-like and tricky to maneuver through the thick, tall jade grasses that jut out from soil rich in nutrients. For someone who does not know their way around, it can be chaotic and confusing, though at the same time mesmerizing; a lot of the lost and weary souls that come here uninvited get so lost that they are never found again. Some say they eventually find their way out, since there is no evidence of them perishing because no bones litter the grounds here, while others claim that they took an unintended swim in the cool and crisp waters of the spring fed lake that occupies the western side of Lyrarcor. What makes this lake so intimidating is, though the waters are crystal clear, it is impossible to see the bottom and therefor impossible to judge how deep the water truly is. Around the edges, the water is no deeper than chest height, a bit higher on smaller horses and dangerous for foals. However, if you dare to venture more towards the center, you may suddenly find yourself dropping far below the surface of the lake.

Druid: Valfrid (Xovad)

14 posts
4 threads
somewhere the atoms stopped fusing [open] by ➳ T e c h n o ➳
Jul 5, 2024 18:31:42 GMT -7

Let not its name deceive you. Here lays a vast open canyon, far from anywhere else. It lays in the center of a cold tundra, but, however, the canyon is barely effected by the weather that passes. Not many of the aimless come to the canyon, for its size and climate are not for the weak or lazy sort. The canyon's rock is a deep bronze and ruby colored sort, and it is smooth and weathered. The foliage that lay within resides down by the river which runs down the center of the canyon, and wide, yet shallow piece of water. It contains a sort of valley that contains lush grass and trees, a great paradise to all. The sister that lives within the canyon is the only soul that knows the path down to the river however, but she can usually be found strolling or by the entrance of the canyon walls. In here, there are many crevices and nooks where creatures come at storms or at the night to provide shelter. The temperature is always at it's neutral, never too hot, and never too cold. The only other creature that live here are some smaller creatures; birds and such. The seasons always come lightly, for winter gives a slight snowfall, and summer receives a quaint sunshine. The springs and autumns are where the canyon's beauty shines the best. The peace and quiet of this place attract many looking for a home, and the sister welcomes any who pass.

Acharya: Ollie (Serendipity)

16 posts
4 threads

The Caerali Desert is an expanse of hot, moistureless desert that serves as a boundary between the Helkaer lands and the land of the allianced territories. It has a couple of oasis spots, their locations only known to the Brotherhood.

23 posts
8 threads
just like you, if you only knew [techno] by ➳ T e c h n o ➳
Jul 16, 2024 19:14:53 GMT -7

A wide open landscape cloaked in a sea of long vibrant colored grass swaying in the relentless cloudy air. Toxin Raj rarely sees the light of the sun and its bowl-like plain is surrounded by mountains and forestry. The lack of cover makes it easy to spot predators and intruders alike and patrols circle the borders day and night. Beware of most of the plants that grow in these meadows. They are exceptionally deadly if consumed. Only strips of lime colored grass have been deemed safe. In the center of the landscape, an uncanny tumble of oblong rocks lean on one another, circling a small opening with a huge gaping hole that has a ramp of smooth stone leading into dark, cool depths. Moss grows abundant around a dribbling stream of water that feeds a large pool in a smooth dip of the rock. Where light from the hole does not shine and lining the rest of the ceiling are peculiar glowing worms looking like green starlight throughout the place. Residents plunge into the depths for both shelter and drink. More tunnels branch off from the main room, but they remain mysterious and unexplored.

Commander: Nemesis

29 posts
8 threads
a dial tone [illegal] by • illɘgal ◦
Jul 17, 2024 13:42:41 GMT -7

A desolate rocky outcrop scarce of life at the edge of the desert. It is difficult to navigate, not just from the terrain but also the dangerous wildlife. Between the unusual amount of predators and large population of snakes, intruders need to watch where they step. Shallow overhangs provide little shelter from the near constant wind, though larger underground tunnels can be found if one knows where to look. The main tunnel becomes a large room that provides enough water from an underground stream and warmth during the harsh winters for the residents. Some tunnels that can be found across the landscape are narrow enough that unwanted guests can easily be trapped, while others serve as meeting locations. Resources are few and far between and the chances of you finding any before the Brotherhood finds you are slim to none.

General: Harlan

33 posts
6 threads
Amaranthine Wars Act 2 - Gavin and Sly by Sunfrost
Apr 27, 2024 20:36:46 GMT -7

Fields with long grasses, almost forever enveloped in fog.

Private None

59 posts
11 threads
the river has run dry [azzy, techno, zo, roman] by Zohyd//
Jul 23, 2024 20:38:08 GMT -7

The land of Eden hosts a massive garden, filled with flowers and edible plants. The weather here is strangely stable all year round, which gives clues to its connections to the Afterlife and its realms. Here, both the living and the dead may tread. All are created equal and any Afterlife equine possessing powers loses them once they cross the boundary. The entrances to the Afterlife realms reside here, but they are blocked off by treacherous mountains that mortals cannot traverse. Beneath these mountains flow the rivers of power that eventually become the Elysian Rivers. No attacks can be played here; all are safe within its walls. It is here all equines can speak, no matter their fate.

293 posts
97 threads
Judge me by the laughter in my heart [Teca] by Roman
Jul 9, 2024 21:23:58 GMT -7

As the first stop for all equine who have passed on, Asphodel greets its residents with eerie silence. It's as if time has frozen everything that was, is and ever will be in this land. No wind to rustle leaves; no ripples in any water's glass-like surface. Plants are all seemingly stuck in various stages of life. Some remain dried and withered, while others bud without blooming for an eternity. Colors are dim and seem almost faded with time. A perpetual dim sky offers just enough light to see, but it's impossible to tell if it's a permanent dawn or dusk. Nothing ever changes here, among the dead.

87 posts
20 threads
Amaranthine Wars Act 2 - Castiel and Everest by fleabittengray
Jul 9, 2024 16:18:54 GMT -7

This land is lush and green and any equine living here seems almost weightless. The days are long and the nights are short. This land often appears as a bright, beautiful meadow, although it can transform to portray the inner desires of the equine regarding it.

Lord of Utopia: Cadence
Lady of Utopia: Rasa

84 posts
14 threads
I fretted fire but that was long ago (Azzy) by A z z y
Jul 23, 2024 5:47:33 GMT -7

This land is charred and very hot. Cliffs tower over the land and surround it, there is only one way in and one way out. Once here you may not leave without permission or you risk the wrath of the Underworld rulers.

Lord of Hell: Xerxes
Lady of Hell: Mictecacihautl

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