Proper Image Use
We only allow the use of CC stock images and properly credited artwork on Wild Equines. CC stock images can be found on sites such as Deviantart,, Flickr, and Unsplash. Please read and understand the image owner's terms of use before using their images on the site. If you are using images from a site other than these listed, you must have proof of permission to use the image. Full stock pictures are only to be used on character applications, herd stats, and Tulor Woods stats.
AI Works
Artwork that includes any AI generated imagery is not permitted on site unless you are able to provide proof that the AI generated imagery was solely made from licensed stock.
WE Image Sizes
The current size for the WE hover avatar is 230 wide, 350 high. The smaller image/GIF underneath your hover avatar is 230 wide, 130 high. Your images will automatically be resized if they are too big.
Image Hosting
We ask that all images used on our site have a link back to the original, so that we can ensure that they are following the stock provider's or artist's rules - this includes having credits directly on the image if used off site, as many stock providers ask. Allowed sites for uploads include: Deviantart (including Stash), Flickr, NickPicHost, and Photobucket (if you have a premium account). Please do not upload or use pictures from Imgur, ImageBB, Tinypic, or Photobucket (unless you have a premium account), as their TOS forbids users from uploading images for use on forums.
Posting Tables
If you would like to use a posting table with artwork (i.e. a drawing or photomanipulation etc. of the character), you must have it approved through the Table Approval thread before it can be used. Tables with gifs (such as from Tumblr) or pure text tables do not need to be approved.
Accurate Images
We require artwork used on site to be an accurate representation of the character's actual appearance. The only place we allow artwork to be shown of a character that is not entirely accurate is in the character's application - in this case, members may use a more inaccurate image as a reference for what the character looks like, specifying any differences that there may be (ex. Character is from a fantasy site and the image shows them as having wings on head. Image displaying wings on head is used in the character's application, however roleplayer specifies that the character being brought to the site will NOT have these. Other circumstances include images of a character who require store items, but the roleplayer cannot afford to purchase the store items at the time of joining the character). Past this point, any images used of the character on site cannot be inaccurate (even with members specifying in comments).