the royals

The Royals are the three pairs of equines who rule over each alliance. Each alliance will have a King and Queen who are responsible for leading the Kingdom and maintaining order. Royals are gifted with a laurel wreath for them to wear while conducting official business. All Royals are equally powerful.

Creators of Kingdom Rules
The Royals of a given alliance may decide how to govern their Kingdom. This permits them to create their own laws and decide how to enforce them. They may also create activity requirements for herds to obey. All herd owners within an alliance are expected to obey the rules set by the Royals, or deal with the consequences set.

Taxing Royals
The Royals are permitted to challenge the Royals of other alliances. They may not remove other Kings/Queens from power, but may impose taxes. If the taxes are ignored, the winning Royals may request a disaster befall the ones who lost.

Stealing & Blocking Perks
Automatic Steals. The Royals are granted the ability to utilize automatic steals throughout the year. They may use one automatic steal during the month their alliance has it. This ability rotates through each alliance as following:

Lights: January, April, July, October
Neutrals: February, May, August, November
Darks: March, June, September, December

Extra Block. The royals also benefit from one additional block to use. They are allowed to use this extra block to block any member from any herd of the Kingdom, including their own.

Alliance Punishments & Rewards
The Royals have the ability to request a blessing or curse from the Afterlife for any land they reign over. This may be used to reward good behavior or punish if needed. Blessings might include healthy foals and mothers, better health for multiple foals, revival of stillborns, or things like good weather. Curses may include stillborns, deformities in foals, or even natural disasters.

Removal of Herd Leaders
If for any reason a herd leader has been deemed incapable of ruling, the Royals may remove them through a trial. Royals are permitted to remove up to three herd leaders per year, but may hold trials and punishments as often as needed.

Inactive Leaders. In the event of inactivity, Royals must post a trial thread in the herd of the leader on trial. This first post must include instructions the Royals wish to be followed due to inactivity. The herd leader then must post within three days and obey the instructions, or they face removal.

Other Reasons. If there is another reason for a herd leader to come under question (treason, tax evasion, rebelling, etc.), the Royals must put this leader on trial within the Royal herd itself. In front of a crowd, the Royals may demand an explanation for the actions and then decide on how to handle the matter. This may either lead to forgiveness, punishment, or removal.

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Mon, December 26